3 Things that Can Help Make Your Efforts on Sustainability More Realistic

When the term sustainability is mentioned, many people tend to associate it with big things, such as global warming and loss of biological diversity. However, looking at it broadly can make your efforts to promote it unrealistic. For example, to address the current huge problem of global warming, efforts at the company level might be increasing the efficiency of the machines, changing raw materials, and adopting renewable energy. These are small efforts that would work wonders, especially if more companies are focused on sustainability. This post will highlight three things that can help make your efforts on ESG sustainability reporting more realistic. 

Training Staff on Sustainability

The process of implementing ESG sustainability reporting starts with a comprehensive review of a business’s operations to identify opportunities and bottlenecks. Then, you have to set the goals for sustainability and strategies for achieving them. No matter the stage of the sustainability reporting process, you need to work with your staff and get employees involved to achieve the targeted results. For example, a change of culture in your organization can encourage your staff always to turn off lights and computers when not in use to cut down the power-related bills. Therefore, you might want to prioritize staff training about ESG sustainability

Training will build employees’ understanding, making them also want to be part of the good initiative of improving the world. Indeed, this might even make them new agents for sustainability both at the workplace and away. Imagine how sustainable the globe would be if all employees working in the globe extended their companies’ efforts, such as water conservation and adoption of green energy, to their homes. 

Incorporating Community into Your Focus on Sustainability

When your company is operating, it is important to consider it part of the community in the neighborhood. For example, a mining firm should always be considered part of the local community, which comprises people, local administration, and the environment. Then, explore the activities for sustainability in the community with the aim of making them part of your brand, clients, and company ambassadors. Some initiatives to consider might include: 

  • Funding education programs via local schools. 
  • Helping communities to access clean and safe drinking water. 
  • Working with local groups to promote conservation. 
  • Promoting social justice. 

Building on the Past Efforts

If you had already started some activities that promote sustainability, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, you do not have to commence from scratch. One of the guiding principles of ESG reporting is building on the current frameworks, implying that you are already a few steps ahead of others with CSR. Some efforts in previous frameworks that might fit well in ESG reporting include: 

  • Community programs targeted at supporting the society. 
  • Conservation efforts in different areas of the globe. 
  • Internal efforts to make the operation of the company more efficient and profitable. 
  • Any collaboration efforts between your company and others in the supply chain that were aimed at enhancing the efficiency of operations. 

 As you can see, success in making your company sustainable requires you to understand the process and think broadly. You also need to focus on areas that can help to lever the growth of the company. Think of a company that deals with food processing. In such a case, it might be a good idea to try and work with stakeholders along the supply chain, from farmers to suppliers, to try and make sustainability realistic. Finally, it will be a good idea to automate the reporting processby adopting appropriate ESG reporting software. For example, Diginexcan help you to automate the reporting process and even integrate it with the company management system.