Homeowners are attracted to bamboo flooring just because of its beauty and how long it lasts. Though, the strength properties of a bamboo cannot be compared to an oak. Always described as an intriguing wood, bamboo is a grass plant that grows very fast. It can recover itself without replanting and will achieve its developed or matured state in only a couple of years. Nowadays, hardwood flooring has become less relevant to interior designers because Bamboo flooring has turned into a well-known contrasting option to hardwood flooring. It is inexpensive, and it has high durability compared to most hardwood flooring. However, it is essential to clean and maintain your bamboo floor to increase its lifespan and keep its beauty. Here are few tips on how to clean your bamboo floor to keep it shining always.
Clean up Spills Immediately
Tidy up spills with a moist material at the earliest opportunity. Gooey substances, for example, gum, can be removed by setting ice over them to solidify the sticky stuff, making it simpler to rub off. Having sticky substance solidify on you’re a bamboo floor will deface it, you could step on it and spread the gummy substance all over the room.
Dry Mop Regularly
Dust, debris, and grit can ruin your bamboo flooring when feet brush them into the floor. Dust, debris, and grit can ruin your bamboo flooring when feet brush them into the floor. Although bamboo is more repellent to extreme moisture than hardwoods, an excessive amount of water will inevitably damage the bamboo also. To remove day-to-day dirt from your bamboo floor, make use of dry mop including a fine fiber mop, or get a vacuum cleaner.
Use lightly damp mop regularly
If you can’t afford to purchase a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended that you make use of a mop, not just an ordinary mop but a lightly damp one. The floor of every home portrays the beauty of a building (house). The bamboo floor needs to be cleaned up regularly. You don’t have to wait till it gets dirty before you clean it up. Not only excessive water can damage a bamboo floor also prolonged dryness could affect your floor. To prevent this, it is necessary to mop it regularly. You should, however, take note that avoiding excessive water on the bamboo floor is very important. Avoid using a mop meant for hardwood floors to clean a bamboo floor.
Never apply wax to bamboo floors. Waxed bamboo floors will be hard to renew, even a very long time after the wax has been attached. Basic vacuuming and cleaning are adequate to keep your floor sparkling.
Take these cautious cleaning guidelines to keep up the perfection and sparkling of bamboo flooring!