Guide to Buying a New Shower

Buying a New Shower

A new bathroom shower can take an old and outdated bathroom and create a new oasis for the people in your home. If you are considering getting a new shower, then you need to make sure you take a few things into consideration before getting started. You need to pick out the type of system you want, whether you want just the surround redone or the entire faucet assembly, and the effect you want the shower to have.

Buying a New Shower

Here Are Some Common Shower Options

You can pick up many different types of showers, depending on what store you look at. You can find single-stall, stand up showers for those who do not want the tub, tiled stalls that are much larger for a more spa-like experience, tubs with a surround that creates a shower at the top, and even stand up bathtubs that have shower assemblies to them.

Buying a New Shower

You also then have to decide if you want to go with a new faucet at the same time. If you do, then you need to decide on what type of water flow you are looking for. You can get a very inexpensive faucet that simply pushes water through small holes to get your body clean, or you can go with very elaborate faucets that give you the effects of being in a sauna, a spa, or even in the rain.

You also need to decide if you want the surround of the shower to be tiled to where it’s a solid wall that is covered with tiles, a standard tub surround to keep the drywall behind the surround from getting wet, or if you want a totally different look. Contact us at and let us help you pick out the perfect shower for the bathroom of your dreams.