The honeymoon is one of the highlights of your marriage. It also signifies the beginning of a fresh phase in your lives together.
Movies, novels, and magazines have managed to paint the honeymoon as a magnificent moment when everything seems rosy, during which couples spend most of their time in each other’s company.
However, there are many things about the honeymoon that movies and fairy tales will not tell you. Below are some things you need to know before embarking on your magical honeymoon.
There is no Relaxation Switch
The wedding preparation is a tedious process and it can be exhausting. While many of them prefer moving from their wedding straight to their honeymoon, automatically switching from a worn-out body to relaxation mode can be an arduous task.
It could actually take some days for the exhaustion to subside. However, when relaxation sets in then you are sure to have a fun and exciting time.
You Could get Sick
Stories about people working throughout the year only to get sick the moment they go on holiday abide.
This phenomenon does replicate itself to newlyweds as well. Exhaustion from many months of planning the wedding and the honeymoon, combined with climate change especially if you are honeymooning in a foreign country and you are likely to get unwell for some days while on honeymoon.
This should not worry you though. Through eating well, getting enough rest, and staying hydrated is enough to help you get back on your feet and have a maximum honeymoon experience.
Do not have Over Expectations when it comes to Romantic Fantasy
Honeymoons give you and your spouse an opportunity to connect in different ways. It is important, however, to note that it can never be a love-in 24/7. If you went straight from the wedding to the honeymoon, then chances are you are still tired and all you need is to eat and sleep.
Some couples will also prefer spending most of their time in hotel honeymoon Bali while others will want to take adventurous trips, discovering their honeymoon destination, and going sightseeing. Of course, there will be enough opportunities to share special and intimate moments together. Still, you need to leave some space for the downtime as well.
There Could be Blunders
Regardless of how prepared you think you are, blunders are bound to happen. For instance, you may find that the advertised photos of your honeymoon destination are nothing close to what you see in actual time.
During such moments, choose to enjoy the moment rather than focusing on the negatives. Do not let such mishaps spoil your honeymoon which should help you spend quality time together as a new couple far from the hustles and bustles of daily life. Create and take away great memories that you will treasure for the rest of your lives.
Fights are Likely to happen
Your honeymoon will most likely happen during a moment of exhaustion and delicate emotions. Rather than snapping at the smallest thing, couples should contain themselves and remain calm to avoid unnecessary disagreements. Arrange for a couples massage session to help you relax, unwind, and rejuvenate your body.
You will Forget Some Details
Many couples get so absorbed in planning the wedding such that some plans on the honeymoon could be forgotten. Involving a travel agent can help you get every detail of your honeymoon right. Whatever you do, be sure to have travel insurance. The travel agent will take care of every other detail and all you have is to pay for the services
It will be Memorable and Special
It does not matter how many holidays you have taken together, the honeymoon is a special holiday and a once in a lifetime experience for you and your partner. Enjoy each moment and take enough photos and videos for the memories.
After a successful honeymoon holiday, you probably will not want to go back home. Avoid thinking about your home while on honeymoon. Absorb the moment and discuss the memories on your way home. Make the moment linger longer by fantasizing about the next holiday you anticipate for.